Good Friday Service
sermon by Katharina Möller, St. Georg's Lutheran Church
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. AMEN.
Text: John 18:15-18 and 25-27
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ!!
All over the world on Good Friday the story of the suffering and death of Jesus takes a central place. The final stages of his life are commemorated in churches and congregations everywhere. Many seek to spiritually accompany Jesus on his Way of the Cross.
Prayer for Good Friday bilingual
by Katharina Möller, St. Georg's Lutheran Church
Lord Jesus, at our baptism we were marked for you
with the sign of the Cross.
May your cross inspire us to act justly and love tenderly.
May the crosses in our lives be for us
invitations for growth and new life
as we place our trust in you.
Renewed by your love, may the way we live
proclaim you as Lord:
you who are the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Predigt: Karfreitag
von Katharina Möller, Gottesdienst am Karfreitag 2008 in der St. Georgskirche
Gnade sei mit uns....
Text: Johannes 18,15-18.25-27
Liebe Gemeinde!
Überall in der Welt steht am Karfreitag das Evangelium vom Leiden und Sterben Jesu im Mittelpunkt. Überall in Kirchen und Gemeinden werden die letzten Stationen seines Lebens bedacht. Viele Menschen gehen den Kreuzweg Jesu ein Stück mit und versuchen, ihn zu verinnerlichen.